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Feeling alive

Dancing tango makes us feel...alive. The other night I was shooting pictures with Pamela Damia Tango, one of the models of this webpage. After we finished we went to a new outdoor milonga in Barcelona to which I had never been. I didn´t know what to expect. I thought about the fact that I had not danced one single step since the beginning of March! Because of current circumstances there were precautions to follow. We had told the organizer in advance to join and were supposed to came together. There was a limit of people allowed. Bringing the face mask was mandatory. The mere sight of the tango community was a joy, I felt sentimental to see again the known faces from the milongas, including those I rarely talk to. My tango slowly resurrected from somewhere in the body, at the second tanda it was like there had not been such long break after all. When I left, Pamela and I looked at each other and concluded simultaneously looking around at the others present that "we need this"!

I can´t explain why, neither will I ever be really 100% sure it´s worth the trouble it sometimes takes.

I simply felt hopeful for no apparent reason. Less stressed. More calm and more positive.

Slowly more of us will feel like wearing something new again. I know shopping means spending, but I also know shopping is a tribute to feeling alive. This online shop is very new still. I welcome you and selected friends of yours to enjoy the collections! Please don´t hesitate getting into contact if you have questions.

Barcelona 2020-07-02 Yours, Astrid

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